- Z1 npB La Semipilota-
May 2002 - Mondo Ferroviario N° 189 - Pag . 055
critique (La bancarella del libro) Videoeffe "Z1 npB - la semipilota FS"
For any month the carriages pilot type Z1 they run by now along our lines without more the problems of youth than any have characterized the first periods of exercise. This new video of the Videoeffe, realized in collaboration with Costaferroviaria and OFV, there illustrates from near these new carriages. The cassette opens with the images, very interesting and you a great deal detail of the varied phases of construction, from the loom to the box, it from the intern to the technological fittings with the first testings in factory. The second part is instead dedicated to the transfer of the units along the FS net and to any runs proof for the definitive testing. The filmed report to a first run between Milan and Mestre (partly in nighttime) and to the definitive run of test on Milan-Genoa. A cassette that there makes know these innovative carriages in each their appearance with filmed of good person level and any imperfection here and it there don't invalidate the general quality of the video that we recommend warmly. The cassette is in sale directly beside the producer to the price of 16 Euro, comprehensive of the volume that describes the carriages. Greater information could be to the site of the producer. MB "Z1 npB La Semipilota." Duration 130 minutes, PAL system, more volume on the same matter.
From require to the Videoeffe, Berlinguer Plaza, 3- 20038 Seregno (MI). Tel. +39 333 3328375 - E-mail: fm@videoeffe.it -Spazio web www.videoeffe.it.
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I complete adjournment: 16/06/2002