Author Falsone Mario
November 2003 - Mondo Ferroviario N° 205 - Pag. 063
Novelty to read and to see / VIDEO & CD - Norimberga 2003
all those people who have not been able to go himself/herself/themselves
to the great fair of Norimberga of last February, the video realized by
the Editions Videoeffe, devoted here really to this great kermesse. After
the chronicles of trip to come in the German city, the television camera
is detained among the varied stands of the firms of railway modelling,
both of those more notes both of those handicraft (in preponderance on
this video).
In closing the artificial fires offered at the end of the fair days. Very interesting the images that make well the atmosphere of this important appointment. In closing the artificial fires offered at the end of the fair days. Very interesting the images that make well the atmosphere of this important appointment. Of good level the quality of the images. MB
Video Norimberga 2003. Duration 2 hours and 15 minutes; system PAL.
Editions Videoffe Seregno (MI). www videoeffe.it - tei. 333 3328375.
Available near the author to the price of Euro16,00.
Videoeffe, Piazza Berlinguer, 3 - 20038 Seregno (MI). Tel. 333 3328375 - E-mail: fm@videoeffe.it
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Last updating : 10/12/2003