- I Pendolini ETR 401 - 450 - 460 - 4 .... -
Juneo 2001 - Mondo Ferroviario N° 178 - Pag . 0XX
critique (La bancarella del libro) Video + monograph "I Pendolini ETR 401-450-460-4..."
You after a brief presentation with an initial of opening, you comes exposed a dollied on the history of the Pendolini in Italy (departing from the 1967 date of the first studies) and in Europe, with a glance to the trains to varying order in circulation on the platforms of all the world. They for each Italian EMU come then you list the characteristics data, accompanied from complete technical cards you equip from digital photo of the particular varieties (the images have furnished from the builder firms). Photo also of the mechanical part and of the particular of the system to varying order furnished from the Railway Fiat of Savigliano. The resumptions instead have stayed effects during the trips in line of the trains, in regular service on our railway net. Images of the intern alternate with other the box of guide recovered from. Video also of the Pendolini that they have stayed object of accidents more or less serious. The video drives us between the images of the EMU also that has stayed immortalized on postage stamps and telephone cards without forget a brief account on the model reproductions. They close the video, of the duration of well three hours, the Diesel-Elettrico ATR 410 Fiat is real that model. Also this VHS that has the Pendolini like object comes sold combined , couple to the book.. VZ
Falsone Mario "I Pendolini".The VHS video not professional of the duration of 3 hours and 11 minutes.
The monograph has formed 148x201 mm and counts 40 pages with 120 photo, 16 sketches and 16 charts. (you compare the data of the page I Pendolini ). Videoeffe- 2000 Seregno Milan. Available beside the Videoeffe of Seregno (MI) Berlinguer Plaza, 3 - 20038
telephone +39 333 3328375. e-mail: fm@videoeffe.it -Spazio web www.videoeffe.it.
I complete adjournment: 19/06/2002