- ETR 500 PLT -
May 2003 - Mondo Ferroviario N° 200 - Pag . 090
critique (La bancarella del libro) Video + monograph "Il treno verde ETR 500"
The ETR 500 is by now entered the normalcy of the railway exercise and justly the Videoeffe editions have devoted them a special video, that in the particularly is concerned with the last generation and that is those moult voltage, that a tomorrow will run otherwise under the varied voltage line. In the video, of the duration of around an hour and half, we could see any of the runs it try of the ETR 500 PLT n° 44 between Milan and Chiusi and v/v from the inside of the box, the train taken back to the inside from Milano Fiorenza, the phases of preparation for the runs under the SNCF line, his maintenance, the exposure of the ETR 500 PLT to Eurailspeed from Madrid and very other still. In closing the model appearance of this train with the reproductions of Zanatta and Morciano. The video resumption's are of good person level of video. MB
"ETR 500 PLT". Lasted 86 miniuts. PAL sistem . Seregno 20038 Available beside the VIDEOEFFE Seregno, tel. 0362 326793 sito internet www.videoeffe.it
telephone +39 333 3328375. e-mail: fm@videoeffe.it -Spazio web www.videoeffe.it.
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