- ALTENA 2^ parte
come costruire un plastico ferroviario (as to build a plastic railway)
Autori Falsone Mario e Sbrugnera Fabrizio
November 2003 - Mondo Ferroviario N° 205 - Pag. 063
Novelty to read and to see / VIDEO & CD - ALTENA - vol. 2
to the appointment, the Editions Videoeffes recently have I edit the
second video devoted to the construction of the plastic ALTENA. In it we
find the analysis of the electric plant with useful suggestions for the
laying of the cables, the realization of the picture of command and tied
up quant'altro to the electricity. The second part deals instead of the
landscape and particularly of the courses of water, of the rocks and of
the lawns. In closing the construction of the portals and the laying of
the metaled one. A third video, of next exit, you/he/she will be devoted
to the completion of the plastic one and the exercise instead according to
the tempistiches of the builders. A very interesting video also for those
people that are retained already experienced in this field. Of the usual
level the quality of the resumptions. MB
ALTENA second part.
Duration 1 now and 25 minutes; system PAL. Editions Videoeffe Seregno (MI), www videoeffe.it - tel. 333 3328375. Available near the author to the price of Euro 14,00.
Videoeffe, Piazza Berlinguer, 3 - 20038 Seregno (MI). Tel. 333 3328375 - E-mail: fm@videoeffe.it
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